17 October 2012

Why the Bronx Bums will not dublicate the 2004 Red Sox!

Well, the Yankees are down 0-3 and the likelyhood they will do to the Tigers what the Red Sox did to them in 2004 is highly remote.  Why, does one ask, since my belief in Yogi Berra's First Law of Baseball is absolute?  By the way, for the baseball ignorant, that would be, "It ain't over 'till it's over."  My reason is the attitude of the team.  Right now, their highest paid and statistically best available player, Alex Rodriguez (A-Fraud as he is known around here), is benched and rumors that he has played his last game in pinstripes.  Who would pick up his humongous salary is anyone's guess.  The point is that he had a broken hand earlier this year and was disabled from July to September.  When he came back, he slumped badly at the plate.  That's understandable since the hands are probably the most important body part for a hitter.  We Red Sox fans remember when Big Papi, David Ortiz, came back from breaking his wrist.  It took him quite a while to regain his hitting stroke.  Did Terry Francoma, St. Tito of Boston, bench him?  NO.  He trusted Papi and let him play his way back into shape.  That's why the Bronx Bums may win a game or two (hopefully, since I want Erin to be able to ride the IRT Low V train on Saturday).  However, this team, with its budget busting payroll and underachieving brats, will not duplicate the historic comeback of the 2004 World Series Champions, the Boston Red Sox.  They simply haven't got the cahones for it.

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